Grow your capital by stimulating wider sustainable growth.

Pistis Finserve was founded on a simple idea: business owners deserve access to capital to drive their businesses and investors deserve high returns on their investments. Our business model is designed to simultaneously serve these two constituencies.

Our aim is to ignite opportunities for businesses and investors by providing a seamless platform for capital flow and thereby creating a better deal for everyone.


From investing to own a home, educating your children, going on holiday or investing towards retirement.


From investing to own a home, educating your children, going on holiday or investing towards retirement.


Investors have the opportunity to partake in exclusive, vetted private investment opportunities


Investors have the opportunity to partake in exclusive, vetted private investment opportunities


We support new ideas that cannot be financed by traditional bank financing as well as businesses seeking first-time funding.


We support new ideas that cannot be financed by traditional bank financing as well as businesses seeking first-time funding.


Managing your investment Portfolio from anywhere around the world with cutting edge analytics tools


Managing your investment Portfolio from anywhere around the world with cutting edge analytics tools

The Economic Revolution

When Pistis Finserve was founded, we had a simple idea — let businesses and individuals support each other by lending and investing in active, well-managed businesses through Pistis Finserve. Here, investors can earn attractive returns to better provide for their future.

On the other hand, businesses and business owners get fast, easy access to funding to grow, create jobs, support local communities and drive the economy forward. We believe this is better for everyone. At the time of writing this, Pistis has funded more than 2,000 Small businesses with a combined total of over N250 Million.

Fund Safety First

Fund safety is our most important investment principle, so we only invest in sectors that provide a very high likelihood of principal safety. We are focused primarily on the safety of the funds under our management. We are conservative and risk-averse.

Our expert team

Fund safety is our most important investment principle, so we only invest in sectors that provide a very high likelihood of principal safety. We are focused primarily on the safety of the funds under our management. We are conservative and risk-averse.

Our Investment Approach

Pistis Finserve has a strong track record in providing funding to businesses across Nigeria. Our principal focus is on delivering appropriate risk-adjusted returns to our investors by backing exceptional management teams and controlling risk wherever possible, whilst supporting our portfolio businesses through their growth cycle. Our team has a 20+ year track record of investing in small and mid-cap companies and as a result we have consistently received commendable independent reviews from our partners and investors.


We are Unconstrained

Our strategy is unconstrained by asset class, industry, sector or geography. We invest wherever there is proven economic opportunity. This gives us substantial leverage to deploy our capital in the best possible way.

We are Nimble

Whether in times of stability or volatility, in good markets or in bad, there are always strategic opportunities for those with the skills and talent to see what others don’t. Windows of opportunity open and close without warning. We respond dynamically, moving with conviction, judgment and discipline to capture opportunities that less equipped investors miss.

We are Differentiated

We look for and we make investments that traditional investment strategies either don’t or can’t. These investments are differentiated and are specifically targeted at actual economic activities, rather than just trading of financial instruments. This strategy delivers both profitability and measurable economic value for society.

Who we serve

Individuals and families

Investing for retirement, a new home or a child's education.

Corporate Institutions

Looking to diversify their investment Portfolio and build substantial finance for their organization

Individuals and families

Investing for retirement, a new home or a child's education.